Carol of the Creatures

Creator high and holy,
To you all praise and power belong.
Let all men listen to the carol of your creatures,
You are the end and the beginning of their song.
     Leap and carol to the Lord, I say, show what He has done,
     Oh, leap and carol to the Lord, I say, show Him like the sun.

I call upon my brother Sun, for by that light I see,
The leaping of the Holy One that calls the light to me.

I call upon my sister Moon, I love that gentle light,
And all the stars so sharp and clear that shiver in the night.

I call on you my brother Wind, be weather foul or fair,
You show the likeness of the Lord by breathing like the air.

I call on you my sister Water, come down from the sky,
And show the likeness of the Lord, I drink Him or I die.

I call on you my brother Fire, in yellow light and red,
You leap and carol to the Lord with sparks around your head.

My sister Death, you call me.
To leap and carol I cannot say no.
I am a dancer to the end and the beginning,
Of all the leaping and the caroling I go.

Come all you men and women, too, show pity and forgive,
For by your love you show the Lord, and with Him you shall live.

© Golden Hind Music